# Add Player Response

Grammar — Add Response - response to Player player.
FlagsNative | Action

Adds the specified player response to the Player. Player response is player based unit damage/death response.

# Arguments

  • int — Player
  • string [ gamelink::PlayerResponse ] — Response

Returns — void

native void PlayerAddResponse(int player, string response);

Category: Player / Player Settings

# Examples

# mods/starcoop/starcoop.sc2mod


// L3838
PlayerAddResponse(lp_player, UserDataGetGameLink("PlayerResponse", lp_response, "Response", 1))
// L3849
PlayerAddResponse(lv_ally, UserDataGetGameLink("PlayerResponse", lp_response, "Response", 1))

# mods/warcoop/legends/gromhellscream.sc2mod


// L86
PlayerAddResponse(lv_player, "ShamanGromSoulStealOnDeath")

# mods/warcoop/warcoopdata.sc2mod


// L1712
PlayerAddResponse(lv_legendplayer, (lv_playerresponse))