# Load Data Conversation State Values

Grammar — Load the state values of conversation state from bank bank section section
FlagsNative | Action

Loads all state values of the given conversation state from a bank section.

# Arguments

  • string [ gamelink::ConversationState ] — State
  • bank — Bank
  • string — Section

Returns — void

native void ConversationDataLoadStateValues(
	string stateId,
	bank b,
	string section,

Category: Conversation / Data Conversation Tools

# Examples

# campaigns/libertystory.sc2campaign


// L8905
ConversationDataLoadStateValues("MissionObjective", lp_sourceBank, lv__SectionName)
// L8998
ConversationDataLoadStateValues("StoryState", lp_sourceBank, lv__SectionName)
// L9007
ConversationDataLoadStateValues("SceneExtraObjects", lp_sourceBank, lv__SectionName)
// L9009
ConversationDataLoadStateValues("StoryNews", lp_sourceBank, lv__SectionName)
// L9012
ConversationDataLoadStateValues("StoryTips", lp_sourceBank, lv__SectionName)
// L9029
ConversationDataLoadStateValues("Hotspots", lp_sourceBank, lv__SectionName)
// L9031
ConversationDataLoadStateValues("ArcadeGameVariables", lp_sourceBank, lv__SectionName)