# Create Ping With Point Facing

Grammar — Create a ping for players at position (using point facing), using model model and color color, lasting duration seconds, player id playerId|PlayerID
FlagsNative | Action

Creates a minimap ping using the facing angle of a point. Use “Last Created Ping” to refer to the created ping.

# Arguments

  • playergroup — Players
  • string [ gamelink::Model ] — Model
  • point — Position
  • color — Color
  • fixed — Duration
  • int — PlayerId

Returns — int [ ping ]

native int PingCreateWithPlayerId(
	playergroup players,
	string modelLink,
	point position,
	color intColor,
	fixed duration,
	int player,

Category: Ping / Basic

# Examples

# campaigns/void.sc2campaign


// L773
PingCreateWithPlayerId(PlayerGroupAll(), "PingAlert", UnitGroupCenterOfGroup(lp_unitGroup), ColorWithAlpha(100.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00), 0.0, gv_pLAYER_01_USER)
// L773
PingCreateWithPlayerId(PlayerGroupAll(), "PingAlert", UnitGroupCenterOfGroup(lp_unitGroup), ColorWithAlpha(100.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00), 0.0, gv_pLAYER_01_USER)

# mods/core.stormmod


// L3070
PingCreateWithPlayerId(lp_players, lp_model, lv_pointWithAngle, lp_color, lp_duration, lp_pingType, lp_pingingPlayerId)

# mods/novastoryassets.sc2mod


// L3589
PingCreateWithPlayerId(PlayerGroupAll(), "PingArrow", PointFromName(("ArrowPing" + IntToString(IntLoopCurrent()))), Color(100.00, 0.00, 0.00), 0.0, gv_pLAYER_01_USER)
// L3589
PingCreateWithPlayerId(PlayerGroupAll(), "PingArrow", PointFromName(("ArrowPing" + IntToString(IntLoopCurrent()))), Color(100.00, 0.00, 0.00), 0.0, gv_pLAYER_01_USER)

# mods/starcoop/starcoop.sc2mod


// L507
PingCreateWithPlayerId(lp_players, lp_model, lp_position, lp_color, lp_duration, lp_playerId)