# Set Dialog Render Priority

Grammar — Set dialog Render Priority to renderPriority|Render Priority
FlagsNative | Action

Sets the render priority for the specified dialog. Dialogs with higher render priorties are rendered on top of dialogs with lower render priorities.

# Arguments

  • int [ dialog ] — Dialog
  • int — Render Priority

Returns — void

native void DialogSetRenderPriority(
	int dialog,
	int renderPriority,

Category: Dialog / Dialog Tools

# Examples

# campaigns/voidstory.sc2campaign


// L1613
DialogSetRenderPriority(lv_achievementDialog, 550)

# mods/missionpacks/campaigncommon.sc2mod


// L104
DialogSetRenderPriority(lv_achievementDialog, 550)

# mods/starcoop/starcoop.sc2mod


// L5765
DialogSetRenderPriority(DialogLastCreated(), 500)