# Unload Animation for Unit Type

Grammar — Unload animation animation for unit type unitType
FlagsNative | Action

Unloads an animation for a unit. Note: This is a specialized action that generally relates to storymode models. It will remove additional animation sets that have been loaded to the model through triggers.

# Arguments

  • string [ gamelink::Unit ] — Unit Type
  • string [ filepath ] — Animation

Returns — void

native void UnitTypeAnimationUnload(
	string inUnitType,
	string animPath,

Category: Animation / Advanced

# Examples

# campaigns/liberty.sc2campaign


// L6709
UnitTypeAnimationUnload(UnitGetType(gf_ActorUnit(lp_actor)), lv_animOld)
// L6709
UnitTypeAnimationUnload(UnitGetType(gf_ActorUnit(lp_actor)), lv_animOld)