# Set Ping Use Player Vision

Grammar — Set ping flag Use Player Vision to usePlayerVision
FlagsNative | Action

Sets whether or not the ping should use the vision of the local player at the point it exists when determining if it*“s visible or not. This allows pings that aren”*t attached to units to easily be hidden when beneath the fog of war.

# Arguments

  • int [ ping ] — Ping
  • bool — Use Player Vision

Returns — void

native void PingSetUsePlayerVision(
	int p,
	bool usePlayerVision,

Category: Ping / Advanced

# Examples

# mods/starcoop/starcoop.sc2mod


// L499
PingSetUsePlayerVision(PingLastCreated(), true)
// L509
PingSetUsePlayerVision(PingLastCreated(), true)