# Effect History Entry Effect

Grammar — Effect effect for effect history history entry index
FlagsNative | Function

If the Effect parameter is set to Root, this will return the effect that was at the root of the effect tree for the effect that was logged in the Effect History at the specified Index. If the Effect parameter is set to Current, then this will return the effect that was logged in the Effect History at the specified Index.

# Arguments

Returns — string [ gamelink::Effect ]

native string EffectHistoryGetEffect(
	effecthistory inHistory,
	int inIndex,
	int inEffect,

Category: Effect History / Entries

# Examples

# mods/heroesdata.stormmod


// L1905
EffectHistoryGetEffect(lv_effectHistory, lv_itEffectHistoryEntry, c_effectHistoryEffectCurrent)
// L1953
EffectHistoryGetEffect(lv_effectHistory, lv_itEffectHistoryEntry, c_effectHistoryEffectCurrent)
// L1957
EffectHistoryGetEffect(lv_effectHistory, lv_itEffectHistoryEntry, c_effectHistoryEffectCurrent)
// L1961
EffectHistoryGetEffect(lv_effectHistory, lv_itEffectHistoryEntry, c_effectHistoryEffectCurrent)
// L2012
EffectHistoryGetEffect(lv_effectHistory, lv_itEffectHistoryEntry, c_effectHistoryEffectCurrent)

# mods/heroesdata.stormmod


// L9359
EffectHistoryGetEffect(lv_history, lv_itEntry, c_effectHistoryEffectRoot)
// L9360
EffectHistoryGetEffect(lv_history, lv_itEntry, c_effectHistoryEffectCurrent)