# Enable/Disable Wave Use For Unit Group

Grammarcontrolled wave use for group|Unit Group
FlagsNative | Action

If wave use is disabled for a unit group, the AI will not use that unit in waves.

# Arguments

Returns — void

native void AISetGroupNotUsableInWaves(
	unitgroup ug,
	bool enable,

Category: AI / MiscCampaign / Actions

# Examples

# campaigns/swarm.sc2campaign


// L3660
AISetGroupNotUsableInWaves(gv_currentWaveUnitGroup, true)
// L3750
AISetGroupNotUsableInWaves(gv_currentWaveUnitGroup, true)
// L4000
AISetGroupNotUsableInWaves(gv_currentWaveUnitGroup, true)
// L4270
AISetGroupNotUsableInWaves(gv_currentWaveUnitGroup, true)
// L4365
AISetGroupNotUsableInWaves(gv_currentWaveUnitGroup, true)
// L3660
AISetGroupNotUsableInWaves(gv_currentWaveUnitGroup, true)
// L3750
AISetGroupNotUsableInWaves(gv_currentWaveUnitGroup, true)
// L4000
AISetGroupNotUsableInWaves(gv_currentWaveUnitGroup, true)
// L4270
AISetGroupNotUsableInWaves(gv_currentWaveUnitGroup, true)
// L4365
AISetGroupNotUsableInWaves(gv_currentWaveUnitGroup, true)