# Set Bully Rebuild Delay

Grammar — Adds a random delay, between__minDelay__ and maxDelay, before the AI tries to rebuild bullies for player.
FlagsNative | Action

Sets the delay time before the AI starts trying to replace missing bullies for a player.

# Arguments

  • fixed — MinDelay
  • fixed — MaxDelay
  • int — Player

Returns — void

native void AISetBullyRebuildDelay(
	fixed minDelay,
	fixed maxDelay,
	int player,

Category: AI / Bullies / Actions

# Examples

# mods/novastoryassets.sc2mod


// L4717
AISetBullyRebuildDelay(libLotv_gf_DifficultyValueFixed2(30.0, 30.0, 15.0, 5.0), libLotv_gf_DifficultyValueFixed2(40.0, 40.0, 20.0, 10.0), gv_pLAYER_06_ZERG)
// L4718
AISetBullyRebuildDelay(libLotv_gf_DifficultyValueFixed2(30.0, 30.0, 15.0, 5.0), libLotv_gf_DifficultyValueFixed2(40.0, 40.0, 20.0, 10.0), gv_pLAYER_07_ZERG)
// L7868
AISetBullyRebuildDelay(5.0, 10.0, gv_pLAYER_03_INFESTED_NOFIGHTPROTOSS)
// L7878
AISetBullyRebuildDelay(5.0, 10.0, gv_pLAYER_05_INFESTED_FIGHTPROTOSS)
// L4717
AISetBullyRebuildDelay(libLotv_gf_DifficultyValueFixed2(30.0, 30.0, 15.0, 5.0), libLotv_gf_DifficultyValueFixed2(40.0, 40.0, 20.0, 10.0), gv_pLAYER_06_ZERG)
// L4718
AISetBullyRebuildDelay(libLotv_gf_DifficultyValueFixed2(30.0, 30.0, 15.0, 5.0), libLotv_gf_DifficultyValueFixed2(40.0, 40.0, 20.0, 10.0), gv_pLAYER_07_ZERG)
// L7868
AISetBullyRebuildDelay(5.0, 10.0, gv_pLAYER_03_INFESTED_NOFIGHTPROTOSS)
// L7878
AISetBullyRebuildDelay(5.0, 10.0, gv_pLAYER_05_INFESTED_FIGHTPROTOSS)