# Limit Bully Wave Gather To Nearest Town

Grammar — Sets limits when gathering bullies & other units for attack waves to only use ones at the nearest town for player player to be enable|Enabled\Disabled.
FlagsNative | Action

When enabled for a player, this makes it so that bullies for that player can only be used in attack waves that are gathering near the town those bullies are closest to.

# Arguments

Returns — void

native void AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(
	int player,
	bool enable,

Category: AI / Bullies / Actions

# Examples

# campaigns/liberty.sc2campaign


// L4084
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_p02_DOMINION_INFANTRY, true)
// L1658
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER02_PROTOSS, true)
// L4084
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_p02_DOMINION_INFANTRY, true)
// L1658
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER02_PROTOSS, true)
// L6725
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_03_DOMINION_MAIN, true)
// L6726
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_04_DOMINION_RIGHT, true)
// L6727
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_07_DOMINION_LEFT, true)
// L6725
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_03_DOMINION_MAIN, true)
// L6726
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_04_DOMINION_RIGHT, true)
// L6727
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_07_DOMINION_LEFT, true)
// L3976
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_02_TALDARIM, true)
// L4539
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_08_RAYNOREXPANSIONS, true)
// L4541
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_09_KERRIGANEXPANSIONS, true)
// L3976
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_02_TALDARIM, true)
// L4539
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_08_RAYNOREXPANSIONS, true)
// L4541
AINearestTownLimitWaveGather(gv_pLAYER_09_KERRIGANEXPANSIONS, true)