# Time Elapsed

Grammar — Elapsed time is dur|Time timeType|Real/Game/AI Time seconds
FlagsNative | Event

This event fires once the specified amount of time has passed in game.

# Arguments

  • fixed — Duration
  • int [ preset::TimeType ] — Time Type

Returns — void

native void TriggerAddEventTimeElapsed(
	trigger inTrigger,
	fixed inTime,
	int inTimeType,

Category: Timer / Timers

# Examples

# campaigns/liberty.sc2campaign


// L17583
TriggerAddEventTimeElapsed(gt_EndofTime, 32767.0, c_timeReal)
// L17583
TriggerAddEventTimeElapsed(gt_EndofTime, 32767.0, c_timeReal)

# mods/warcoop/warclassicsystem.sc2mod


// L1027
TriggerAddEventTimeElapsed(libGAwX_gt_InitWarnPlayer, 0.0625, c_timeGame)

# mods/warcoop/warmeleeai.sc2mod


// L239
TriggerAddEventTimeElapsed(libW3AI_gt_ExtraWorkDelay, 11.0, c_timeGame)