# Get DateTime Day

GrammardateTime Day
FlagsNative | Function

Get the day in the current month of a DateTime. (1 is the first day of the month)

# Arguments

  • datetime — DateTime

Returns — int

native int GetDateTimeDay(datetime dt);

Category: DateTime

# Examples


    // Implementation
    if ((lv_hourIndex >= 12)) {
        return ((libNtve_gf_GetWeekdayFromDateTime(lp_datetime)) + ", " + (libNtve_gf_GetMonthFromDateTime(lp_datetime)) + " " + IntToString(GetDateTimeDay(lp_datetime)) + ", " + IntToString(GetDateTimeYear(lp_datetime)) + ", " + IntToString(lv_displayHour) + ":" + IntToString(GetDateTimeMinute(lp_datetime)) + ":" + IntToString(GetDateTimeSecond(lp_datetime)) + " PM");
    else {


    else {
        return ((libNtve_gf_GetWeekdayFromDateTime(lp_datetime)) + ", " + (libNtve_gf_GetMonthFromDateTime(lp_datetime)) + " " + IntToString(GetDateTimeDay(lp_datetime)) + ", " + IntToString(GetDateTimeYear(lp_datetime)) + ", " + IntToString(lv_displayHour) + ":" + IntToString(GetDateTimeMinute(lp_datetime)) + ":" + IntToString(GetDateTimeSecond(lp_datetime)) + " AM");