# Activate Ability Cooldowns (Deprecated)

Grammar — Activate spendLocation|Location cooldowns on ability abilityCommand|Ability on unit u
FlagsNative | Action | Hidden

Activates the specified cooldowns on the specified ability on the specified unit. In most cases, this will cause the ability to act as if it had just been used.

# Arguments

Returns — void

native void UnitAbilitySpend(
	unit inUnit,
	abilcmd inAbilCmd,
	int inLocation,

Category: Unit / Charges And Cooldowns / Deprecated

# Examples

# campaigns/liberty.sc2campaign


// L5355
UnitAbilitySpend(gv_artifact, AbilityCommand("EnergyNova", 0), c_spendLocationAll)
// L5355
UnitAbilitySpend(gv_artifact, AbilityCommand("EnergyNova", 0), c_spendLocationAll)