# Create Alert With No Source

Grammar — Create a alertType|Alert Type alert for player player with the text: text (Custom icon: icon)
FlagsNative | Action

Creates an alert displaying the custom alert text.

# Arguments

  • string [ gamelink::Alert ] — Alert Type
  • int — Player
  • text — Text
  • string [ filepath ] — Icon

Returns — void

native void UIAlert(
	string alert,
	int player,
	text message,
	string icon,

Category: UI / Alerts

# Examples

# mods/heroesdata.stormmod


// L2004
UIAlert("YourHeroHasDied", lv_deadPlayer, StringToText(""), null)
// L4618
UIAlert("HearthstoneUsed", lv_hearthstonePlayer, StringToText(""), null)

# mods/heroesdata.stormmod


// L6337
UIAlert("EnemyHeroKilled", lv_itPlayer, StringToText(""), null)
// L6865
UIAlert("YourHeroHasRevived", lp_player, StringToText(""), null)
// L14343
UIAlert("YourHeroHasBeenRooted", UnitGetOwner(lv_unit), StringToText(""), null)
// L14401
UIAlert("YourHeroHasBeenStunned", UnitGetOwner(lv_unit), StringToText(""), null)
// L16617
UIAlert("YourHeroHasDied", lv_deadPlayer, StringToText(""), null)

# mods/heromods/chogall.stormmod


// L2004
UIAlert("YourHeroHasBeenRooted", lv_gallPlayer, StringToText(""), null)

# mods/heromods/dva.stormmod


// L329
UIAlert("YourHeroHasRevived", lp_player, StringToText(""), null)

# mods/starcoop/starcoop.sc2mod


// L7517
UIAlert("VictoryAlertCoop", lv_indexPlayer, StringToText(""), null)
// L7521
UIAlert("DefeatAlertCoop", lv_indexPlayer, StringToText(""), null)
// L7525
UIAlert("DrawAlertCoop", lv_indexPlayer, StringToText(""), null)