# Wait For Condition

Grammar — Wait for (Conditions), checking every t timeType|Real/Game/AI Time seconds
FlagsSubFunctions | Action

Pauses a trigger until the specified condition is met. Real time is normal time. Game time can pass faster or slower depending on the game speed. AI time passes at the same rate as game time, but can be paused or unpaused while real time and game time are still running. It is useful to pause the AI time while a player is watching a cinematic, so timed attack waves will wait until the player is finished with the cinematic before resuming their countdowns.

# Arguments

  • fixed — Time
  • int [ preset::TimeType ] — Time Type

Returns — void

while (!(#SUBFUNCS(cond," && "))) {
    Wait(#PARAM(t), #PARAM(timeType));

Category: General / Waits

# Examples

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