# OBSOLETE - Point Facing Angle

Grammarpoint facing angle degrees
FlagsFunction | Hidden

This is an obsolete version of this function and will no longer show up in the function list. This should be replaced with the newer version to avoid issues.

# Arguments

  • point — Point
  • fixed — Angle

Returns — point

point libNtve_gf_PointFromPositionAndAngle(
	point lp_point,
	fixed lp_angle,

Category: Point / Internal

# Examples

# campaigns/swarm.sc2campaign


// L4520
libNtve_gf_PointFromPositionAndAngle(PointFromId(4), 175.0)
// L4520
libNtve_gf_PointFromPositionAndAngle(PointFromId(4), 175.0)

# mods/heroesdata.stormmod


// L7265
libNtve_gf_PointFromPositionAndAngle(lv_casterPoint, UnitGetFacing(lv_azmodan))
// L7271
libNtve_gf_PointFromPositionAndAngle(lv_casterPoint, UnitGetFacing(lv_azmodan))
// L7276
libNtve_gf_PointFromPositionAndAngle(lv_casterPoint, UnitGetFacing(lv_azmodan))
// L7284
libNtve_gf_PointFromPositionAndAngle(lv_casterPoint, UnitGetFacing(lv_azmodan))
// L7286
libNtve_gf_PointFromPositionAndAngle(lv_casterPoint, UnitGetFacing(lv_azmodan))