
Native datatype


No. Name Label
1. Auto

Automatically determines the best easing function based on the context or other settings. This is a default or adaptive mode that doesn’t require specific input from the user.

2. Linear

The animation progresses at a constant speed from start to finish. This means there are no accelerations or decelerations; the change occurs at the same rate throughout the entire duration of the animation.

3. Slow

The animation starts slowly and then may pick up speed or maintain a slow pace throughout.

4. Fast

The animation begins quickly and then may slow down or maintain a fast pace throughout.

5. Smooth

The animation transitions smoothly, typically involving gradual acceleration and deceleration. Mimicking real-world physics where objects don’t start or stop abruptly.

6. Step

The animation progresses in discrete steps rather than continuous motion. This can create a jerky or segmented effect, where the change occurs in abrupt intervals rather than a fluid transition.