Property: Operator — CMathFrame

Type of math operation


@ val  
[ EMathFrameOperator ]
Add | Subtract | Multiply | Divide | Negate | Modulo | Absolute | Random | RandomStl


The is the Operator of a MathFrame. It is a required field for the frame to give a result.

It can have the following values: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Negate, Modulo, Absolute, Random

When calculating the results if the value of Operator is Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, or Modulo: it does A (Operator) B.

If the value is Negate, the result is -1 * A

If the value is Absolute, the result is the absolute value of A

If it’s random, the result is a random value between A and B. This value will change only if the input values change.