
Anchor controllers allow to move a frame's anchor point. This is used to smoothly change position of the frame.

- None -
Inherits from
- None -


@name ?
type = String

type = EAnimationControllerType
Visibility VSkew HSkew LayerUV Tooltip Texture Text State StartingAngle Sound Property LayerColor Rotation Style Fade Event EndAngleOffset Enabled Dimension Desaturation Cutscene CutsceneProperty CutscenePropertyReal Counter Color Blur Command AnimationSpeed Animation Anchor AdjustmentColor ActorMsg

@end ?
type = EAnimationEndAction   | default = Pause
Stop Pause Clamp Loop PingPong Reset

@frame ?
type = FrameReference   | default = $this

type = AnchorSide

The anchor side to move.

Top Left Right Bottom

@relative ?
type = Boolean   | default = True

When true, interpret the value as relative to the anchor point’s original offset.

False True

@relativeFrame ?
type = FrameReference

@pos ?
type = AnchorPosPreset
Min Mid Max

@unclip ?
type = Boolean

When true, the frame will be unclipped from its parent. When false it will remain clipped by its parent.

False True

