# AISetSubStateChanceRace


# Arguments

  • int — subState
  • int — randChance
  • int — protChance
  • int — terrChance
  • int — zergChance

Returns — void

native void AISetSubStateChanceRace(
	int subState,
	int randChance,
	int protChance,
	int terrChance,
	int zergChance,

Category: Unclassified

# Examples


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Timing) {
        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_FourGate,       25,    30,    20,    30 ); //  25,  30,  20,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   40,    30,    50,    40 ); //  65,  60,  70,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   25,    30,    25,    15 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85


        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_FourGate,       25,    30,    20,    30 ); //  25,  30,  20,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   40,    30,    50,    40 ); //  65,  60,  70,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   25,    30,    25,    15 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_DTRush,         10,    10,     5,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_FourGate,       25,    30,    20,    30 ); //  25,  30,  20,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   40,    30,    50,    40 ); //  65,  60,  70,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   25,    30,    25,    15 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_DTRush,         10,    10,     5,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   40,    30,    50,    40 ); //  65,  60,  70,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   25,    30,    25,    15 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_DTRush,         10,    10,     5,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game


        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    10,    20,    20 ); //  20,  10,  20,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     60,    70,    60,    60 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    10,    20,    20 ); //  20,  10,  20,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     60,    70,    60,    60 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    10,    20,    20 ); //  20,  10,  20,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     60,    70,    60,    60 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {
        if (!AIHasNearbyOpenExpansion(player) && !AIIsExpandingOrHasExpanded(player)) {


        // be a bit more aggresive to hit a power timing
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    25,    20,    30,    30 ); //  25,  20,  30,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     70,    75,    65,    65 ); //  95,  95,  95, 95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    25,    20,    30,    30 ); //  25,  20,  30,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     70,    75,    65,    65 ); //  95,  95,  95, 95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    25,    20,    30,    30 ); //  25,  20,  30,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     70,    75,    65,    65 ); //  95,  95,  95, 95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Timing) {
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MMStim,             50,    45,    40,    35 ); //  50,  45,  40,  35
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MMStim,             50,    45,    40,    35 ); //  50,  45,  40,  35
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_CloakBanshee,       15,    15,    15,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MMStim,             50,    45,    40,    35 ); //  50,  45,  40,  35
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_CloakBanshee,       15,    15,    15,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_CloakBanshee,       15,    15,    15,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game


        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    15,    10,    20,    10 ); //  15,  10,  20,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   65,    70,    60,    70 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    15,    10,    20,    10 ); //  15,  10,  20,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   65,    70,    60,    70 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    15,    10,    20,    10 ); //  15,  10,  20,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   65,    70,    60,    70 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {
        if (!AIHasNearbyOpenExpansion(player) && !AIIsExpandingOrHasExpanded(player)) {


        // be a bit more aggresive to hit a power timing
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    15,    25,    15 ); //  20,  15,  25,  15
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   75,    80,    70,    80 ); //  95,  95,  95,  95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    15,    25,    15 ); //  20,  15,  25,  15
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   75,    80,    70,    80 ); //  95,  95,  95,  95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    15,    25,    15 ); //  20,  15,  25,  15
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   75,    80,    70,    80 ); //  95,  95,  95,  95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Timing) {
        //                                                         random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingBane,  30,    10,    50,    40 ); //  30,  10,  50,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_Roach,     40,    50,    40,    30 ); //  70,  60,  90,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingRoach, 30,    40,    10,    30 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                         random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingBane,  30,    10,    50,    40 ); //  30,  10,  50,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_Roach,     40,    50,    40,    30 ); //  70,  60,  90,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingRoach, 30,    40,    10,    30 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingBane,  30,    10,    50,    40 ); //  30,  10,  50,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_Roach,     40,    50,    40,    30 ); //  70,  60,  90,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingRoach, 30,    40,    10,    30 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachHydra,       45,    60,    30,    45 ); //  45,  60,  30,  45
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    45,    30,    60,    40 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90


        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachHydra,       45,    60,    30,    45 ); //  45,  60,  30,  45
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    45,    30,    60,    40 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Broodlord,         5,     5,     5,    10 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachHydra,       45,    60,    30,    45 ); //  45,  60,  30,  45
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    45,    30,    60,    40 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Broodlord,         5,     5,     5,    10 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    45,    30,    60,    40 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Broodlord,         5,     5,     5,    10 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {
        if (prevBuildIdx == e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenAir_OneBaseMuta ||


    } else {  ///if (openingType == e_buildType_Power)
        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_PureMuta,          5,    10,     5,    10 ); //   5,  10,   5,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_LingBaneMuta,     10,     5,    15,    15 ); //  15,  15,  20,  25
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_FoodCapRoach,     15,    20,    15,    15 ); //  30,  35,  35,  40


        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_PureMuta,          5,    10,     5,    10 ); //   5,  10,   5,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_LingBaneMuta,     10,     5,    15,    15 ); //  15,  15,  20,  25
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_FoodCapRoach,     15,    20,    15,    15 ); //  30,  35,  35,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_RoachInfestor,    45,    25,    50,    30 ); //  75,  60,  85,  70


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_PureMuta,          5,    10,     5,    10 ); //   5,  10,   5,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_LingBaneMuta,     10,     5,    15,    15 ); //  15,  15,  20,  25
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_FoodCapRoach,     15,    20,    15,    15 ); //  30,  35,  35,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_RoachInfestor,    45,    25,    50,    30 ); //  75,  60,  85,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_RoachHydra,       25,    40,    15,    30 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Timing) {
        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_FourGate,       25,    30,    20,    30 ); //  25,  30,  20,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   40,    30,    50,    40 ); //  65,  60,  70,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   25,    30,    25,    15 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85


        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_FourGate,       25,    30,    20,    30 ); //  25,  30,  20,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   40,    30,    50,    40 ); //  65,  60,  70,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   25,    30,    25,    15 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_DTRush,         10,    10,     5,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_FourGate,       25,    30,    20,    30 ); //  25,  30,  20,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   40,    30,    50,    40 ); //  65,  60,  70,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   25,    30,    25,    15 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_DTRush,         10,    10,     5,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   40,    30,    50,    40 ); //  65,  60,  70,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   25,    30,    25,    15 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_DTRush,         10,    10,     5,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game


        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    10,    20,    20 ); //  20,  10,  20,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     60,    70,    60,    60 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    10,    20,    20 ); //  20,  10,  20,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     60,    70,    60,    60 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    10,    20,    20 ); //  20,  10,  20,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     60,    70,    60,    60 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {
        if (!AIHasNearbyOpenExpansion(player) && !AIIsExpandingOrHasExpanded(player)) {


        // be a bit more aggresive to hit a power timing
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    25,    20,    30,    30 ); //  25,  20,  30,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     70,    75,    65,    65 ); //  95,  95,  95, 95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    25,    20,    30,    30 ); //  25,  20,  30,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     70,    75,    65,    65 ); //  95,  95,  95, 95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    25,    20,    30,    30 ); //  25,  20,  30,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     70,    75,    65,    65 ); //  95,  95,  95, 95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Timing) {
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MMStim,             50,    45,    40,    35 ); //  50,  45,  40,  35
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MMStim,             50,    45,    40,    35 ); //  50,  45,  40,  35
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_CloakBanshee,       15,    15,    15,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MMStim,             50,    45,    40,    35 ); //  50,  45,  40,  35
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_CloakBanshee,       15,    15,    15,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_CloakBanshee,       15,    15,    15,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game


        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    15,    10,    20,    10 ); //  15,  10,  20,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   65,    70,    60,    70 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    15,    10,    20,    10 ); //  15,  10,  20,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   65,    70,    60,    70 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    15,    10,    20,    10 ); //  15,  10,  20,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   65,    70,    60,    70 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {
        if (!AIHasNearbyOpenExpansion(player) && !AIIsExpandingOrHasExpanded(player)) {


        // be a bit more aggresive to hit a power timing
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    15,    25,    15 ); //  20,  15,  25,  15
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   75,    80,    70,    80 ); //  95,  95,  95,  95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    15,    25,    15 ); //  20,  15,  25,  15
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   75,    80,    70,    80 ); //  95,  95,  95,  95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    15,    25,    15 ); //  20,  15,  25,  15
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   75,    80,    70,    80 ); //  95,  95,  95,  95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Timing) {
        //                                                         random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingBane,  30,    10,    50,    40 ); //  30,  10,  50,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_Roach,     40,    50,    40,    30 ); //  70,  60,  90,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingRoach, 30,    40,    10,    30 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                         random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingBane,  30,    10,    50,    40 ); //  30,  10,  50,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_Roach,     40,    50,    40,    30 ); //  70,  60,  90,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingRoach, 30,    40,    10,    30 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingBane,  30,    10,    50,    40 ); //  30,  10,  50,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_Roach,     40,    50,    40,    30 ); //  70,  60,  90,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingRoach, 30,    40,    10,    30 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachHydra,       45,    65,    25,    45 ); //  45,  65,  25,  45
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    45,    25,    65,    40 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90


        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachHydra,       45,    65,    25,    45 ); //  45,  65,  25,  45
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    45,    25,    65,    40 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Broodlord,         5,     5,     5,    10 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachHydra,       45,    65,    25,    45 ); //  45,  65,  25,  45
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    45,    25,    65,    40 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Broodlord,         5,     5,     5,    10 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    45,    25,    65,    40 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Broodlord,         5,     5,     5,    10 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {
        if (prevBuildIdx == e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenAir_OneBaseMuta ||


    } else {  ///if (openingType == e_buildType_Power)
        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_PureMuta,          5,    10,     5,    10 ); //   5,  10,   5,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_LingBaneMuta,     10,     5,    15,    15 ); //  15,  15,  20,  25
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_FoodCapRoach,     15,    20,    15,    15 ); //  30,  35,  35,  40


        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_PureMuta,          5,    10,     5,    10 ); //   5,  10,   5,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_LingBaneMuta,     10,     5,    15,    15 ); //  15,  15,  20,  25
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_FoodCapRoach,     15,    20,    15,    15 ); //  30,  35,  35,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_RoachInfestor,    45,    25,    45,    25 ); //  75,  60,  80,  65


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_PureMuta,          5,    10,     5,    10 ); //   5,  10,   5,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_LingBaneMuta,     10,     5,    15,    15 ); //  15,  15,  20,  25
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_FoodCapRoach,     15,    20,    15,    15 ); //  30,  35,  35,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_RoachInfestor,    45,    25,    45,    25 ); //  75,  60,  80,  65
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_RoachHydra,       20,    35,    15,    30 ); //  95,  95,  95,  95


    if (openingType == e_buildType_Rush) {
        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenRush_ZealotStalker,    35,    70,    25,    20 ); //  35,  70,  25,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenRush_Adept,            65,    30,    75,    80 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
        // For now not using e_hdBuildIndex_POpenRush_ProxyGate && e_hdBuildIndex_POpenRush_CannonRush


        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenRush_ZealotStalker,    35,    70,    25,    20 ); //  35,  70,  25,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenRush_Adept,            65,    30,    75,    80 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
        // For now not using e_hdBuildIndex_POpenRush_ProxyGate && e_hdBuildIndex_POpenRush_CannonRush
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Timing) {


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Timing) {
        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_FourGate,       20,    25,    15,    20 ); //  20,  25,  15,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_Adept,          25,    15,    35,    30 ); //  45,  40,  50,  50
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   25,    25,    30,    25 ); //  70,  65,  80,  75


        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_FourGate,       20,    25,    15,    20 ); //  20,  25,  15,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_Adept,          25,    15,    35,    30 ); //  45,  40,  50,  50
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   25,    25,    30,    25 ); //  70,  65,  80,  75
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   20,    25,    15,    10 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_FourGate,       20,    25,    15,    20 ); //  20,  25,  15,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_Adept,          25,    15,    35,    30 ); //  45,  40,  50,  50
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   25,    25,    30,    25 ); //  70,  65,  80,  75
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   20,    25,    15,    10 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_DTRush,         10,    10,     5,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_Adept,          25,    15,    35,    30 ); //  45,  40,  50,  50
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   25,    25,    30,    25 ); //  70,  65,  80,  75
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   20,    25,    15,    10 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_DTRush,         10,    10,     5,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_GateImmortal,   25,    25,    30,    25 ); //  70,  65,  80,  75
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_StalkerBlink,   20,    25,    15,    10 ); //  90,  90,  95,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenTiming_DTRush,         10,    10,     5,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game


        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    10,    20,    20 ); //  20,  10,  20,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     60,    70,    60,    60 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    10,    20,    20 ); //  20,  10,  20,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     60,    70,    60,    60 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    10,    20,    20 ); //  20,  10,  20,  20
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_GateExpGnd,     60,    70,    60,    60 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_POpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {
        if (!AIHasNearbyOpenExpansion(player) && !AIIsExpandingOrHasExpanded(player)) {


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Timing) {
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MMStim,             50,    45,    40,    35 ); //  50,  45,  40,  35
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MMStim,             50,    45,    40,    35 ); //  50,  45,  40,  35
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_CloakBanshee,       15,    15,    15,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MMStim,             50,    45,    40,    35 ); //  50,  45,  40,  35
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_CloakBanshee,       15,    15,    15,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_HellionMarauder,    15,    10,    10,    35 ); //  65,  55,  50,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_MariSiege,          20,    30,    35,    15 ); //  85,  85,  85,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenTiming_CloakBanshee,       15,    15,    15,    15 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game


        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    15,    10,    20,    10 ); //  15,  10,  20,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   65,    70,    60,    70 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    15,    10,    20,    10 ); //  15,  10,  20,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   65,    70,    60,    70 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    15,    10,    20,    10 ); //  15,  10,  20,  10
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   65,    70,    60,    70 ); //  80,  80,  80,  80
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,  20,    20,    20,    20 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {
        if (!AIHasNearbyOpenExpansion(player) && !AIIsExpandingOrHasExpanded(player)) {


        // be a bit more aggresive to hit a power timing
        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    15,    25,    15 ); //  20,  15,  25,  15
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   75,    80,    70,    80 ); //  95,  95,  95,  95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                                  random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    15,    25,    15 ); //  20,  15,  25,  15
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   75,    80,    70,    80 ); //  95,  95,  95,  95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_QuickExpGnd,    20,    15,    25,    15 ); //  20,  15,  25,  15
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_MarineExpGnd,   75,    80,    70,    80 ); //  95,  95,  95,  95
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_TOpenPowerMacro_DefenseExpGnd,   5,     5,     5,     5 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Timing) {
        //                                                         random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingBane,  30,    10,    50,    40 ); //  30,  10,  50,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_Roach,     40,    50,    40,    30 ); //  70,  60,  90,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingRoach, 30,    40,    10,    30 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        //                                                         random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingBane,  30,    10,    50,    40 ); //  30,  10,  50,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_Roach,     40,    50,    40,    30 ); //  70,  60,  90,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingRoach, 30,    40,    10,    30 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingBane,  30,    10,    50,    40 ); //  30,  10,  50,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_Roach,     40,    50,    40,    30 ); //  70,  60,  90,  70
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenTiming_LingRoach, 30,    40,    10,    30 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        // on average play a bit safer and head toward late game


    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Macro) {
        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachHydra,       40,    60,    20,    40 ); //  40,  60,  20,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    40,    20,    60,    35 ); //  80,  80,  80,  75
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_HydraLurker,      10,    10,    10,    10 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85


        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachHydra,       40,    60,    20,    40 ); //  40,  60,  20,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    40,    20,    60,    35 ); //  80,  80,  80,  75
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_HydraLurker,      10,    10,    10,    10 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachHydra,       40,    60,    20,    40 ); //  40,  60,  20,  40
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    40,    20,    60,    35 ); //  80,  80,  80,  75
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_HydraLurker,      10,    10,    10,    10 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Broodlord,         5,     5,     5,    10 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_RoachInfestor,    40,    20,    60,    35 ); //  80,  80,  80,  75
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_HydraLurker,      10,    10,    10,    10 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Broodlord,         5,     5,     5,    10 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {


        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_HydraLurker,      10,    10,    10,    10 ); //  90,  90,  90,  85
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Ultralisk,         5,     5,     5,     5 ); //  95,  95,  95,  90
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidMacro_Broodlord,         5,     5,     5,    10 ); // 100, 100, 100, 100
    } else if (openingType == e_buildType_Air) {
        if (prevBuildIdx == e_hdBuildIndex_ZOpenAir_OneBaseMuta ||


    } else {  ///if (openingType == e_buildType_Power)
        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_PureMuta,          5,    10,     5,     5 ); //   5,  10,   5,   5
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_LingBaneMuta,     10,     5,    15,    10 ); //  15,  15,  20,  15
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_FoodCapRoach,     15,    15,    15,    15 ); //  30,  30,  35,  30


        //                                                              random protoss terran  zerg
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_PureMuta,          5,    10,     5,     5 ); //   5,  10,   5,   5
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_LingBaneMuta,     10,     5,    15,    10 ); //  15,  15,  20,  15
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_FoodCapRoach,     15,    15,    15,    15 ); //  30,  30,  35,  30
        AISetSubStateChanceRace( e_hdBuildIndex_ZMidPower_RoachInfestor,    25,    15,    35,    20 ); //  55,  45,  70,  50