# AILastAttackRatio


# Arguments

  • wave — w

Returns — int

native int AILastAttackRatio(wave w);

Category: Unclassified

# Examples


    int foodUsed;

    if (AILastAttackRatio(w) >= 130) {
        // if the last attack was successful (we killed a good bit more than we lost)
        // then attack again as soon as we've gathered 30 units or it's been a short amount of time


    else if (AILastAttackRatio(w) >= 90) {
        // if the last attack was even (we did fight and we killed about as much as we lost)
        // then wait to attack until we've regrouped a bit


    bool enoughForce = false;

    if (AILastAttackRatio(w) >= 120) {
        // if the last attack was successful (we killed a good bit more than we lost)
        // then attack again as soon as we've gathered 20 units or it's been a short amount of time


    else if (AILastAttackRatio(w) >= 80) {
        // if the last attack was even (we did fight and we killed about as much as we lost)
        // then wait to attack until we've regrouped a bit