# AIIsTownFull


# Arguments

  • int — player
  • int — town

Returns — bool

native bool AIIsTownFull(int player, int town);

Category: Unclassified

# Examples


// Make sure we have enough pylon space to build things at the main town
    minPylonCount = 2;
    if (AIIsTownFull(player, c_townMain)) { 
        minPylonCount = 6;


// Make sure we have enough pylon space to build things at the main town
    minPylonCount = 2;
    if (AIIsTownFull(player, c_townMain)) { 
        minPylonCount = 6;


// Make sure we have enough pylon space to build things at the main town
    minPylonCount = 2;
    if (AIIsTownFull(player, c_townMain)) { 
        minPylonCount = 6;


// Make sure we have enough pylon space to build things at the main town
    minPylonCount = 2;
    if (AIIsTownFull(player, c_townMain)) { 
        minPylonCount = 6;


// Make sure we have enough pylon space to build things at the main town
    minPylonCount = 2;
    if (AIIsTownFull(player, c_townMain)) { 
        minPylonCount = 6;


// Make sure we have enough pylon space to build things at the main town
    minPylonCount = 2;
    if (AIIsTownFull(player, c_townMain)) { 
        minPylonCount = 6;


// Make sure we have enough pylon space to build things at the main town
    minPylonCount = 2;
    if (AIIsTownFull(player, c_townMain)) { 
        minPylonCount = 6;


// Make sure we have enough pylon space to build things at the main town
    minPylonCount = 2;
    if (AIIsTownFull(player, c_townMain)) { 
        minPylonCount = 6;


// Make sure we have enough pylon space to build things at the main town
    minPylonCount = 2;
    if (AIIsTownFull(player, c_townMain)) { 
        minPylonCount = 6;